Eco Business House


Effulent Treatment Plant

Design and Supply of Effluent Treatment Plants and Associated Equipment BL Engineering has a proven record in designing and supplying effluent plants. We can supply the equipment for customers to install or arrange for our team of highly skilled engineers to carry out the installation on site.


  • Controls environmental pollution in optimum level
  • Treats harmful polluted industrial wastewater at its origin
  • Less resistance from a resident living nearby toward industry, over health concern.
  • Effulent Treatment Plant

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      Effulent Treatment Plant

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      Integrated Effluent Treatment Solutions

      • Design and supply of Effluent Treatment Plants and associated equipment
      • Consultancy
      • Pilot effluent treatment plant trials

      Design and Supply of Effluent Treatment Plants and Associated Equipment BL Engineering has a proven record in designing and supplying effluent plants. We can supply the equipment for customers to install or arrange for our team of highly skilled engineers to carry out the installation on site.

      Plant Design

      Conventional treatment of effluents, depending upon the specific needs, includes flocculation, flotation, aeration and standard clarification technologies. BL Engineering has experience in designing and installing these technologies successfully in a wide range of industries. Our design method normally includes the approach of taking industrial effluent through physico-chemical conventional treatment stages followed by supplemental membrane treatment where this is needed, for instance due to regulatory requirements.

      What is Effluent Treatments Plant (ETP)?

      Water is one of the essential components in today’s manufacturing processes. Water is used in all most all types of industry, like the pharmaceutical industry, Chemical Industry, Automobile Industry, Textile Industry, Food Processing Industry, and the list goes on and on.
      Water gets contaminated with various external substances like chemicals, dust, organic compounds, biological material, debris, dirt, grit, pollution, toxic, non-toxic materials, and polymers, also called Effluent. This water is not fit for environmental discharge and is harmful to all living beings.
      Effluent Treatments Plant (ETP) is a system that removes above given Effluent from industrial wastewater and makes it fit for Human use and fit for Environmental discharge.

      How Effluent Treatments Plant (ETP) works?

      ETP plant is designed in a multiple-stage treatment process, depending upon Effluent’s chemical and physical characteristics present in the industrial wastewater. Every company or industry has a different composition of wastewater, so every company needs customized ETP projects.
      Theoretically, the ETP wastewater treatment plant is designed in four levels.

      Preliminary level: At this level, physical waste is removed using a physical process.

      Primary Level: Large solid and organic matters are removed using physical and chemical processes.

      Secondary Level: At this level, biodegradable material and suspended particles are removed using a biological and chemical process.

      Tertiary Level: Finally, in this level of wastewater treatment, remove remaining suspended and dissolve material using Physical, Chemical, and Bio-logical processes.

