BLUTEK designs and manufactures liquid waste combustion systems for a broad range of industrial, chemical, and pharmaceutical hazardous waste applications. We will design your system in either a horizontal or vertical down-fired configuration to meet your unique needs to control your environment. Each liquid waste combustion system is delivered complete, including a combustion system, liquid waste feed system, air pollution control device and controls.
Rotary kiln incineration systems are ideal for processing mixed industrial and hazardous wastes that include a combination of solid, sludge, and liquid waste streams. BLUTEK provides complete rotary kiln incineration packages including a broad range of waste storage and feed systems (ram feeders, sludge feed systems, liquid injection systems), complete combustion system packages, and many different options for continuous ash removal. Rotary kiln incinerators can be paired with custom engineered air pollution control systems for a turnkey solution to control your environment.
Thermal oxidation through incinerator is one of the proven technologies for destruction of solid waste of all types i.e. biomedical, pharmaceutical, radioactive, municipal, industrial, chemical and hazardous based on the feeding system, so as to render them innocuous in the form of non-toxic and non-hazardous residues.