Eco Business House


Our Services

EBH Waste Management Unit offers a comprehensive range of solutions to address diverse waste management needs. Our services encompass various areas, including:

Consultancy Services: Our experienced team provides expert advice and consultation on waste management strategies, waste audits, regulatory compliance, and sustainability practices. We work closely with clients to develop customized plans that optimize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery.

Waste Collection and Disposal: We offer efficient waste collection and disposal services, ensuring proper handling and disposal of various waste types, including hazardous materials. Our team follows strict protocols to minimize environmental risks and comply with local regulations.

Waste-to-Compost Machines: We provide world-class waste to compost machines that efficiently convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. These machines contribute to sustainable waste management by reducing landfill waste and promoting the reuse of organic materials.

Hospital Waste Management Machines: Our specialized machines ensure safe and effective management of medical waste generated by healthcare facilities. These machines facilitate proper handling, segregation, and treatment of hazardous and infectious waste, adhering to stringent healthcare waste management regulations.

Landfill Management Machines: Our advanced landfill management machines aid in the efficient operation and maintenance of landfills. They assist in waste compaction, leachate management, and landfill gas control, minimizing environmental impacts and ensuring compliance with environmental standards.

Incinerators: We offer reliable and environmentally friendly incinerators for the proper disposal of solid waste, including non-recyclable and hazardous materials. Our incinerators meet strict emissions standards while reducing waste volume and eliminating potential health and environmental risks.

Recycling Machines: Our diverse range of recycling machines enables efficient processing and recycling of various waste materials such as plastics, paper, metals, and glass. These machines promote the circular economy by transforming waste into valuable resources, reducing reliance on raw materials, and minimizing environmental impacts.

Horticulture Waste Management Machines: We specialize in providing machines specifically designed for the effective management of horticultural waste. These machines facilitate composting or mulching of horticultural waste, turning it into nutrient-rich compost or mulch that enhances soil fertility and promotes sustainable horticultural practices.

At EBH Waste Management Unit, we are committed to delivering innovative, sustainable, and customized waste management solutions. Our comprehensive services and advanced machines enable businesses, organizations, and individuals to adopt efficient waste management practices, minimize environmental impacts, and contribute to a cleaner and greener future.

